Good... Sort of...
Definatly a good flash but lacking high quality humour. Seemed chock full of inside jokes or jokes that have been done before or jokes that are predictable or jokes.. That shouldn't be jokes.
Heading in the right direction in art, lip syncing is fine, music fits well. As for characters: Tobby is good, shouldn't throw your voice for Alex as it sounds slightly American and because I am a fellow Aussie... I don't wanna see that... Or hear that... Either way, his voice just ruins the character as no one will ever sound like that and be liked at the same time. And as for Doughnut, crazy is good but most of the shit he said or did was either unbelievably unfunny or done before. THAT'S A BAD DOUGHNUT!!! No milk fo' you! Should poke you with a broom back into the closet so he doesn't annoy me or ruin a perfectly good show.
Other than that, fuckin' top job! I'd like to see more Australian References.